Once again, we found ourselves meeting up with a group of strangers to go adventuring with. I’ve decided that exploring this way is brilliant as it pulls you out of your comfort zone and you can experience everything through new eyes. This time we were the only Americans; the Netherlands, America, Germany, France, Japan, Marseilles, and Bangladesh were all represented. We had our own miniature United Nations.
It took over an hour driving through brutal Dhaka traffic but as we approached the river, we saw our boat and fell instantly in love with it. It was low lying and rustic and exuded the promise of relaxation and adventure all at once. The long boat was all wood with a sort of rounded bamboo top to it. As we boarded, I couldn’t decide if we were joining the cast of Pirates of the Caribbean or The African Queen but I knew that whichever it was it was wonderful and we were going to have a great adventure. I could already see Derek visibly relaxing after a seven day work week.
The deck was made of rich polished wood running throughout the boat. To our left was the bow which hosted a wooden platform laden with thick cushions and large pillows. It felt opulent. From the bow, there was an open area with wooden deck chairs on the sides and a couple of small tables with games of checkers in the middle for added ambiance.
To the right of that was a covered section and nestled in it was a large platform bed also covered with thick cushions. It oozed quaint charm and felt welcoming and inviting. On the opposite side of the bed, were tables laden with refreshments for our enjoyment. Waiters were there to offer us whatever we wanted before we knew we wanted it. Everywhere were brass lanterns that offered the promise of exotic glowing elegance once the sun went down.
A few years ago, we took a ride on a riverboat in Omaha Nebraska called The River City Star. It was fun, but now it reminds me of an animal in a cage at the zoo. It had the potential for being adventurous, but fell just short. It was a ‘ride’ and the meal they served, reminiscent of cafeteria food. This boat felt alive. Like something beautiful let out of its cage to wander the river. As a bonus, the food was delicious.

There was a large platform at the stern and on top of that stood a weathered looking man in a longhi steering the boat with a stunning wooden rudder carved into the shape of a pelican. He looked quite adventurous as we looked up at him against a backdrop of stormy looking clouds.

The weather was nothing short of miraculous. On the water, the usual muggy Bangladesh weather gave way to a cool breeze drifting across a sky filled with billowy clouds.
There were only about 15 of us and we chatted amongst ourselves, cheerful and relaxed as we got comfortable on different parts of the boat.
The girl who set up the tour was a lovely German girl here on an internship. We chatted with her and her coworker for quite a while. Getting outside of the city was invigorating. You can love Dhaka and still need to get out of it once in a while.
After a while we sat on the platform next to the rudder with the couple from the Netherlands and had to giggle a little (well, I giggled. Derek NEVER giggles);-) when a waiter in black slacks and white shirt and barefoot, climbed through the porthole carefully balancing lovely blue ceramic plates filled with snacks and after that a full tea service. The incongruity made it all the more fun.

A while later we were called below for more food. There was a beautiful assortment of dishes I can’t pronounce but when I saw the puffy rice, I realized they were all Ramadan foods. Everything was delicious but as always, the mango was the best.
After sitting in the deck chairs facing the river for a while we decided to head back above. I did a little double take as we walked past the little galley when I saw piles of food being prepared. Hadn’t what we just eaten dinner??

Like a giddy teenager I looked up at Derek and say,”hey, we’re standing on a Contic boat at the mouth of the Ghangi’s and Brahmaputra rivers in Bangla-freakin’-desh”! How cool is that? He smiled indulgently, squeezed me and said “pretty freakin’ cool”.
We headed down a little further and finally came to a stopping point and turned around to head back. We passed a boat that initially appeared to be filled with people only to realize it was filled with a few people and a lot of cows. Another boat was riding so low in the water it appeared to be sinking but we were assured that it was designed like that.

A while later, the show began. I have seen sunsets all over the world but this was one of the most beautiful. All of the elements merged together to make it perfect. The boat, the river, the breezes, the clouds, the sky, and the man who brought me here because I asked him to.

With each fraction that the sun dipped closer to the horizon, the colors seemed to explode with more enthusiasm. As the sun set, the mood of the group became pleasantly quiet. As I had feared we were called in for another meal! More food! I wasn’t sure I had room until I saw it. A beautiful, huge, whole fish, chicken, beef, potatoes, vegetables…all Ramadan food, followed by a delicious caramel flan.

As we sat in the near dark of a deep midnight blue sky eating our meal, the sounds of the call to prayers wafted across the water from multiple mosques along the banks. At 4:00 am in the morning I’m not as impressed, but tonight it just added to the magic and for the nights crowning glory, out there on the river, away from the city, we could clearly see the crescent moon and two stars shining for Ramadan.
We were almost back. For the rest of the trip I snuggled next to Derek and reveled in the day and the experiences we’ve had since we got here. It was quiet and beautiful and everyone spoke in hushed voices as if afraid of disturbing the magic. We arrived back on shore and piled into the bus, dreading a little our return to civilization, but for that one afternoon we were on a beautiful and peaceful adventure on the rivers of Bangladesh.
For the sake of space, I have only used a few pictures on the blog. To view more pictures following the link to my facebook album
If you're REALLY a glutton for punishment, just ask and I'll send you the link to all 200 pictures;-)
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