It has been years since my kids were this tiny and it was a magical experience to remember that inside those tiny bodies, that haven't quiet gotten the hang of speech yet, is a little mind just begging to be listened too. Thank you for reminding Nana, CJ. Happy Birthday!
Oh I could just read this again and again(0: Thank you for sharing this sweet afternoon(0: It's so true, those little tiny bodies hold way more thought than they can tell us all the time, but oh those darling dear expressions! Sounds like you had a marvelous time playing with CJ. He really is just such a doll. Can't wait to see everybody again! I love you!
Are you sure he's being stoically silent, or is it because he can't get a word in? I'm just kidding; you know I love to listen to you talk.
BTW, it's finally warming up here, but it's supposed to snow again next week.
Still snowing here. Why don't you write?
It's been, like, 5 months. How about 'nother post? BTW, it's not snowing here anymore. We swtiched to hot and dry. In another month or so, we'll swtich to cold and dry, then we'll get more snow.
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