Okay, I swear I will never joke again. The irony is too unkind. I never finished blogging about my trip. Well, I wrote the last entry while I was in Colorado, but I never posted it. This is because it took every bit of my energy just to keep up with my sweet little granddaughters. It was a brilliant visit. I enjoyed my time with Samantha and with the girls. Eden and I had a princess evening together on Thursday night while Samantha and Mark went out for the evening for their anniversary. I enjoyed everything, but through a huffing and puffing haze of fatigue. Friday evening Mark drove me back to Denver to catch the train. The train ride was a blissfully uneventful trip devoid of drunken shoulder leaners. I slept most of the way and arrived in Omaha at 6:00 am. Derek was there to meet me at the station and whisked me back to the house where I grabbed my Heritage Makers materials and headed to Bryan High school to participate in a craft fair that I had booked weeks before. Derek gallantly donned his bright shiny suit of armor and rode me to the fair on his white horse. I can think of several million things he would like to do more than spend the day at a high school craft fair, but instead he sat by my side for five hours. It was supposed to be seven, but I wimped out after five. I was bleary eyed. We got home and I quickly fell into a coma like nap and woke just in time to prepare for a family reunion photo shoot at 5:30. After two hours of shooting pictures of people who didn’t want their pictures taken, I went home and collapsed into a heap…until Monday. I missed Sunday entirely. Monday through Wednesday went by in a mucous encrusted haze. Still no blogging. Not enough energy to be witty. This morning at 6:34 I snapped. I grabbed the phone and called the base clinic for a same day appointment.
Here’s where the wicked irony kicks in. Turns out I really DO have swine flu. I believe the politically correct, 21st century term is The H1N1 virus. For any of you living in California, here’s a little warning. The typhoid Mary that kept slumping on to my shoulder was headed your direction.
You can only imagine my wry amusement this evening when I re-read my previous blog prior to posting it and discovered my prophetic little statement about my train mate giving my swine flu. So, I will try to get back onto the blogging track. There is some pretty good blog fodder coming up as my youngest son, Colt, has announced that not only is he engaged to be married, he is going into the military. I will be happy to keep you all posted as things develop. I have to go now. I have an overwhelming urge to go root around for truffles.
Yes well, Mark came home from work yesterday 'cause I saw Colt's facebook status then realized we'd all been off and on fevers the last few *daze with ridiculous runny noses and headaches, lol. Could just be regular ol' flu though. Not serious enough for the kids doctor to run tests (I called and asked :0P Oops! Wrong smiley, don't want to get pig spit on anyone! (0; Should've seen Eden this morning. She got up at 5 to tell me she could breath 'cause of her stuffy nose, lol, SOOoo cute and pathetic. Couldn't even squeak the words out through it, lol. Is it twisted that a 2 year old with a stuffy nose sounds really super cute? I hope you're feeling better! We're doing good(0: I love you!
P.s., more hugs to Colt and Michelle(0:
OK - I really hope you're feeling better, but I have to admit I laughed at the irony of your declaring that you got Swine Flu from that gal and then actually having gotten Swine Flu.
Michelle is the girl I met when I was there last? Yes? Congrats to Colt! We're very happy for him. And when is he leaving for military service? Which branch (as if I really need to ask)?
Oh, and I just finished lunch, but I have no truffles. Perhaps I can raid the office fridge for someone's leftovers.
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