Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A Very Shiny Date Night

It’s Golden Week here in Japan. Golden week is crammed full of four different Japanese Holidays:

Showa no hi, April 29 - is the birthday of former Emperor Showa
Kenpo kinenbi (Constitution Day) – May 3rd, is the day in 1947, the new postwar constitution was put into effect.

Greenery Day (Midori no hi) – May 4th, is dedicated to the environment and nature, because the Emperor Showa loved plants and nature. 

Children's Day (Kodomo no hi) – May 5th, The Boy's Festival (Tango no Sekku) is celebrated on this day. Families pray for the health and future success of their sons by hanging up carp streamers and displaying samurai dolls, both symbolizing strength, power and success in life. Sorry, we already missed The Girl's Festival on March 3.

I’ve been reading about it and it’s quite interesting, but what it really boils down to, is Derek gets a five day weekend. Yay!! In fact, most Japanese take the entire week off and parks and touristy places are filled to capacity with merry makers. The Japanese work incredibly hard, but it appears that they play even harder!

So how does a great husband kick off the Golden Week festivities with his ADHD wife who likes shiny things? He takes her to the shiniest place in town, The Tokyo Tower!
The Tower was built in 1958 because Tokyo needed an antennae tower. The design is reminiscent of the Eiffel tower and is 13 meters taller, making it the tallest antennae tower in the world, which I’m quite certain is a sore point for the French. Smart marketing has turned it into a great tourist attraction, offering a spectacular 360° view of the city.

Okay, I’ve done my due diligence as a tour guide. On to more interesting topics. The tower is a mere 1.1 miles from our apartment so, because I wanted to get pictures of it at night, we walked there. Derek is just that kind of a guy!

A really great date night includes inadvertently stumbling across a live action Mario Cart race through the streets of Tokyo!

Grown men and women dressed in Mario style costumes zipped through the streets. Just when you thought they were all gone another batch would come racing through the city that loves video games.

The tower is visible from many points in the city. You can even see it from our apartment compound, but it’s not until you get up close and personal that you see how impressive it really is. 

This week the tower gleams solid Gold in honor of Golden Week. A ceiling of carp streamers stretches away from the tower in a thick canopy in honor of Children’s Day.

Inside the tower is an array of shops and restaurants and more importantly, elevators! Elevators that shoot up through the center of the tower. On a great date night, you step into an elevator and are whisked up to the 150m high observation deck. There, you discover just how massive Tokyo really is! High rise buildings meander all the way to the edges of the horizon; a jeweled landscape of impressive magnitude!

Here’s where the date gets dodgy as I completely abandon my husband in a photographic adrenalin rush, but he just smiles and looks on because he loves me. Shooting through smeary, thick glass windows is no small feat, but I took up the gauntlet.

Little did we know that on this ONE day only, they happened to be celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the epically popular Final Fantasy video game, complete with a sneak preview of the game playing across the top two rows of windows (thankfully NOT obscuring our view of the city).

After getting our fill of the breathtaking view of Tokyo, we took the elevator back down and wandered the multitude of shops, mostly dedicated to anime that I didn’t recognize. Okay, I don’t recognize any anime but it was still fun.

There is a drinks machine every thirty feet in Tokyo!
 I suspect we will never die of thirst here!

If you look to the right of the doors, there is a sort of computer where you order and pay for your food.
 Then you go inside and collect it.

A Ferrari Vending maching!;-)
We finished off the date with a delicious crepe from a shop at the base of the tower and then had a lovely walk back home. Even the walk was beautiful and we stumbled upon all sorts of interesting areas.

 I think I could get used to Japan being our home.

And THAT…is how you do date night in Tokyo.