I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion,
in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.
-=Thomas Jefferson=-
We should all be deeply grateful for and very aware of this incredible gift. Isn't it a beautiful thing that we can express ourselves and have a voice in this world? That we can stand for what we believe and change the very fabric of society?
And yet...as I scroll through Facebook posts lately, I am saddened to see so many people showing their disdain for this priceless give of freedom. Go ahead, campaign!! Share your views! Beat your chest if it makes you feel better! That is the point of America. It is the point of freedom. You get to be what you want to be and you can tell people what you believe, but for heaven's sake (and all our sake)...show some respect. I am shocked by the venom and anger I have seen in so many posts, particularly if someone makes a comment that contradicts whatever meme or thought has been posted. I made the mistake of making a comment on a post today that didn't fall in line with the person posting it's views. I was simply trying to point out that there are two sides to every story and I got blasted for it and told I could leave the conversation.
It might help us to remember that the very essence of freedom is that we all have it. We may not like other peoples point of view but we MUST respect it, or freedom is lost.
In a world that beats the drum for tolerance, I find that people have becoming increasingly INtolerant. I have such a deep love and affection for my Facebook family. Over and over, I see friends state an opinion that others might disagree with and yet, I see people behaving respectfully and with kindness, at times maybe simply agreeing to disagree. However, I have seen many other posts that disintegrate into a vicious attack complete with name calling and foul language.
I have some bad news. What we all have, are opinions. Just that. None of us have 100% of the hard cold facts. We have opinions and it is a beautiful thing that we can share them and learn from one another, but the point is not to crucify anyone for their beliefs. That's already been done.
Can we maybe just try to reach the finish line of these elections with a little dignity and human kindness still intact? None of us like the word hatred, but honestly, I'm seeing a lot of it in peoples attitudes towards those who would question their ideas or beliefs. It's sad and it's ugly and we should be ashamed.
Our goal for 2017 should be a global community of respect and reverence for freedom and the glorious kaleidoscope of opinions and personalities and thoughts that it provokes. You don't have to agree with everyone, you just have to believe that those who oppose you have the same right to their opinion and be as staunch in defending their rights as your are in defending your own.